Rhino plugins developed by CIMsystem are designed to provide customers with a valuable integrative experience, allowing them to increase the capabilities of the world’s most versatile free-form 3D modeller from a single source.
Rhino Plugins enhance the functionality of Rhinoceros and support the user in the perfect creation of a 3D project, making it easier to machine.
Moreover, they are very specific so that users can buy only what they need, reducing costs and the learning curve. Rhino plugins mainly deal with:
CIMsystem offers global experience for the management of projects developed with Rhinoceros CAD. Indeed, in addition to reselling the CAD software internationally, and designing and developing its plugins, CIMsystem has developed the proprietary cnc programme RhinoNC, perfectly integrated into Rhinoceros, to support users in making a smooth and simple transition from CAD design to manufacturing.
The enhancement of Rhinoceros functionalities is the scope of our plug-ins develpment. The creation of specific applications allows provide users with effective support.
The simplicity of use of each of our plugins follows the same philosophy of Rhinoceros.. It only takes a few hours of training to be able to use them.
Twenty years of experience in the development of industrial applications is applied to our plugins, with a result of professional products.