Innovative and easy to use CAD/CAM software
CIMsystem develops and supplies CAD/CAM software for the dental manufacturing sector, creating technological and innovative products able to increase the quality and efficiency of dental labs, clinics, and milling centers throughout the entire dental manufacturing workflow.
Check-out our main dental CAM solutions
MillBox is the dental CAM solution developed for milling any kind of restoration with any material on any machine. Compatible with any CAD system, it is highly customizable & fully featured to support standard and ad-hoc milling thanks to a variety of pre-set strategies as well as the possibility to create customized ones through a specific advanced strategy module.
Make&Mill is a MillBox add-on module that allows the use of two different technologies (additive and subtractive) within a single software application. Once the object has been created with additive technology (3D Printing) in sintered metal or resins, Make&Mill allows the object to have excess material milled away.
Pyramis is the complete solution for 3D printing management. Its multiple automated functions turn it into a cutting-edge tool for the production of any 3D printed object. Some examples: automated nesting, automated piece recognition, orientation and pin positioning.